Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tundra Toughy!

I did it! I actually bundled up and went out there in very cold very windy snowy weather. I was able to walk 1.5 miles. The road was covered in snow, but it wasn't too deep and it wasn't too slippery. I wore my fleece, my parka, my balaclava, my running tights and my new running knit hat lined with fleece. I carried a cup of coffee and I was comfortable for the most part. The wind was whipping on parts of the circle.

The rest of the day I stayed inside, so that makes this walk a bit of an achievement. I was planning to go to the 6:30 PM Zumba, but the roads,wind,snow did not warrant a drive. I enjoyed the luxury of a vacation day without commitments outside of the house! Aaah.

Tomorrow is another day, and with the new year coming, I must say this publicy: There are push-ups in my future! I. must. weight. train.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Gobble Trot Gobble Trot

I am proud to say that I walked 5 miles at 7:20 AM on Thanksgiving Day! I was up and in my kitchen by 5:30 and was good to go by 7:00! My habit of 'early to bed, and early to rise' is really paying off! It wasn't easy, but it was enjoyable, along the Erie Canal talking with a friend I don't get to see very often! My very first Turkey Trot, and my first event of any kind with 5 miles. I'm considering running a 'freezeroo' of 5 miles, but that sounds like too long for me. I wish it were only a 5K. The name sounds horrible, but my friend is considering doing it, so I'll think about it. It would mean missing Zumba. : ( But I'd be connecting with another friend and would get really good exercise that day... and... I might actually increase my intensity/mileage in order to prepare for this thing! Hmmm.

Anyhow, my Thanksgiving was the best ever! I learned how to make cranberry sauce. I made my best ever sausage stuffing. The giblet stock was simple, and made a fantastic gravy without any salt. I can't believe it! It honestly was fantastic & nobody missed the salt... even on the mashed potatoes. I was prepared with the shakers on the table, but alas, they were untouched!! Good for us!

I ate my first pomegranate this morning and it was phenomenal on top of my cereal. Thank you to Wegmans for the sample they gave me and for making it accessible in my 46th year of life! I rejoice in any "firsts" I enjoy at this point.

Going to snuggle up in my first electric-blanket heated bed of the season!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


...and I don't mean with joy! I've skipped a couple mornings now and I'm not proud. I just ate a handful of chocolate chips, and a maple-syrup sweet potato and I don't feel much eagerness to get outside tomorrow. It's so dark and it has been such a grey day and tomorrow it's going to be significantly colder. But out I will go. I'll help the cause by laying out my clothes tonight and heading up early to read in bed (translation: fall asleep reading). Tomorrow I don't need to get to work extra early, so out I shall go. I will wear plenty of warm clothes so I feel cozy, at least to start. Maybe I'll look for a runner's skull cap warm hat to buy, one that's very reflective/bright!

I'll also drink more tomorrow. I will.

I'm feeling guilty for skipping a nice yoga class at work and for not doing any weight training these days... not good.

I will not over-eat, and I will enjoy the sky and the quiet and the solitude. Man, thinking positively sure changes my mood. I love the peace and quiet and the darkness. The chill in the air can be awesome too. If it's so cold, I'll include a coffee lap and enjoy the warmth of the coffee going down my core as the chill tries to nip my skin.

I found out a friend is an avid runner and I sure can tell by looking at her body and I suspect by noticing her sunny attitude and high energy. I'm sure it helps that she doesn't work outside of the house, but she runs.... fast and wins races! She weight trains regularly and she looks great!!! I won't say I'm jealous, but I wonder if I'll ever feel fit like she looks.

Up to bed and book I go.